Portrait of a man in clothing from the Rising Sun Collection by Sayns Media

Rising Sun Collection

// Winter 2022

With the brand being rooted in the U.S. but with strong Japanese cultural influence, we looked to create a collection that blended the two. It featured a Japanese variant of the Sayns Media logo and an inspirational quote on the front, with a minimalist inspired "Rising Sun" design on the back. The quote emphasized universal human evolution, and read "From the land of the rising sun to the land of opportunity, one ideology that holds no borders is that we are all human, endlessly evolving to become the best versions of ourselves."


KAI-ZEN Collection

// Spring 2022

The KAI-ZEN Collection epitomized Sayns Media's commitment to "Strive For Perfection." Inspired by the Japanese concept of Kaizen, it introduced new elements while retaining the brand's signature colors. This collection aimed to share Kaizen's meaning and encourage its application in everyday life.

Portrait of a woman sitting, wearing a shirt from the Kaizen Collection by Sayns Media
Portrait of a man in a white long sleeve shirt from the Inverse Collection by Sayns Media

Inverse Collection

// Spring 2020

As the first ever edition of apparel for Sayns Media, the Inverse Collection looked to work off of the idea of opposites. The collection followed a black and white simplistic theme, using terms as "Nightfall" and "Daybreak" to describe the edition. Each piece contained an early moto along the left sleeve saying "Legends Within Sayns".
